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ThriftTrac Emails

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This video provides an overview of the email functions available inside of ThriftTrac. There are 4 email templates available with ThriftTrac: thank you, day of reminder, donation scheduled, and missed drop off reminder. Each of these emails can be edited and customized with your thrift store’s branding, email address, and email content.

Step by Step Directions

  • Login to ThriftTrac with an admin account.
  • Once logged in, select emails under the Administration Tools dropdown.
  • On this screen, you will see the 4 email types built out for your use within ThriftTrac. Each of these emails can be edited by selecting edit.
  • Once your content is ready for each email select the enabled box within the edit screen.

Email Types

The thank you email is intended tfor donors that provide their email address.

All other emails are regarding the donation experience. The day of reminder is to remind donors of a scheduled donation pickup. You also have the option to notify donors when a donation has been scheduled as well if the unfortunate event of a donation pickup is missed.

Related Content:

ThriftTrac User Permissions

Creating a New Donation

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